Defining the Numeric Character Zero in Numerology

Before we can begin to define the symbolic and numeric qualities of the simple numbers from 1 to 9 we have to discuss a numeric character that has no quantity or quality: the Zero (0). Regardless of this fact, the Zero bears significant symbolism in Numerology and Symbology.

The Zero, as a circle, represents the notions of totality, original perfection, wholeness, the infinite, eternity, timelessness and all cyclic movement. The circle can be found in everything from the movement of the planets around our sun in our solar system to the the electrons that circle the nucleus in an atom. It also brings rise to the Principle of Duality.

The circle is comprised of two halves. They are exact mirror images of one another. This is important because the two halves must be equal to one another so that they may form a perfect structure. In this duality, we see that when one thing is created in this universe its opposite must be created at the same time. There can be no half circle created without the creation of its other half. This is borne out when we observe that opposites exist everywhere. We see it in up and down, in and out, good and evil, Yin and Yang, centrifugal and centripetal  force, man and woman, et cetera. Our universe is powered by this principal in its entirety.

As a Zero, this symbol represents the ultimate mystery: What existed before the creation of our universe? What or who created our universe? Why are we here? Thus, the Zero represents the unexplained  ability of something to be created from seemingly nothing and it is the cosmic egg.

The Zero also represents the perfect form and is the originator and the container of all. The Zero is the nothingness of death, The Void, the non-existent, that which has yet to manifest and has neither quantity nor quality.

Most importantly, the Zero and the circle teach us that there is no such thing as nothing in our universe. It instills hope in us in that we realize that anything can be manifested regardless of its perceived impossibility. And that hope is what keeps our race alive.

Tomorrow I will begin the interpretation of the simple numbers with the number 1.

© 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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