Past Posted Predictions by Cheri That Have Come True


  • Unfortunately we will hear of more mass shootings as jobs become scarcer and businesses start laying more people off from 2013 through 2016.
  • We will continue to see problems with the implementation of Obamacare especially as we see more doctors retiring or quitting their practices altogether. Young medical students will not be interested in becoming MD’s in the future. Our healthcare will be taken over primarily by nurse practitioners in the future.
  • Medicare will go up in cost for Seniors already on it.
  • There will be less care provided under Obamacare for heart surgeries and the treatment of Stage Three and Four cancer patients.
  • There will be fewer surgeries overall approved under Obamacare and there will be very long waiting periods to get approval for critical surgeries.
  •  More aging Seniors will be trying to figure out a way to stay in their homes longer as they continue to age.
  • The cost of Home Care Services will go up significantly as more care givers than ever will be needed.
  •  Cold War with North Korea and Russia
  • I predict that by the end of 2014 Iraq will once again become a significant safe haven for terrorists. These terrorists will be successful in taking over the Iraqi government and will operate much like the former Libyan Government or like the Assad government in Syria.. All efforts by the US, it allies and Iraqi dissenters to bring democracy to Iraq will have been in vain.
  • By the end of 2013 the Middle East will have seen more uprisings in Egypt and Libya.
  • France will see more havoc inside its borders primarily due to terrorist activity instigated by a Middle Eastern terrorist group. ( PARIS was just attacked by a terrorist group today January 7, 2015 killing at least 12 and severely injuring 15
  • More people will rent their homes rather than buy them as the average American will begin to lose interest in home ownership this year. This will be due to the fact that they have lost their faith in their ability to qualify for a home loan.
  • The GOP will gain control of the US Senate and retain control of the House of Represenatives after the 2014 mid-term elections.
  • US immigrations policies will come to the forefront as a sore subject for the federal government in general.
  • We will see more mass murders in the US in 2014.
  • The world economy will continue to decline as the price of food and housing rises.
  • More foreign investors will take advantage of the depressed US real estate market which will make it harder for Americans to invest in real estate.
  • US based businesses will continue to outsource jobs overseas despite the rising number of unemployed American workers.
  • The cost of Obamacare will continue to rise as 2014 approaches.
  • The cost of medical insurance will rise significantly, especially for private medical insurance.
  • Medicare will suffer as Obamacare begins to be implemented.
  • Beginning in 2014 many doctors will refuse to accept medicare patients altogether, making it increasingly difficult for seniors to get medical care.
  • The Pre-Exisitng Condition clause in Obamacare will be either be reversed or there will be higher costs for those with pre-existing conditions under Obamacare.
  • Americans will be forced to make changes in their everyday life in order to to be eligible for Obamacare. For example, overweight individuals will be forced to drop a specific amount of weight or pay more in premiums or be denied medical care until they lose a specific amount of weight.
  • I do feel that North Korea will continue to threaten to attack the US. My psychic impression is that Kim Jong-un is just trying to position himself as a powerful leader in the eyes of the average North Korean.
  • I do not feel that North Korea will attack the US or South Korea due to some type of intervention by the Chinese government.


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