The Presidenial Election is on everyone’s mind so I have asked my Guides to give me some indication as to who is most likely to win.
My predictions:
1. Mitt Romney will be elected the new President in November 2012.
2. Hillary Clinton will not run for President in 2016
3. The Senate & House will be controlled by Republican’s in 2013
4. President Obama will eventually be living in Europe within 5 years after he leaves office
The Election is primarily going to be decided on the economy so here goes:
1. Economy will continue to struggle in 2013 and the housing market will continue to decline
2. Gold and silver will go down by the end of October 2012
3. The stock market will go up from September 2, 2012 to September 10, 2012
4. Hydraulic Fracking will become the # 1 topic in the USA this next year. Private land owners will be asked to lease their land so gas drilling can be conducted.
5. The jobs market on Friday 9/8/2012 will shown a decline.
6. The new unemployment rate will be at 8.4 %
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