The Symbolic Meaning of the Color Orange

The color orange is the most under-used color of our time and it is often overlooked for it symbolic power.

Orange is a Feminine Lunar Symbol and is created from the combination of the colors red and yellow. The addition of yellow has a calming effect on red but the resulting color,orange, retains a lot of red’s vibrancy. When combined, red and yellow become a synergistic blend of the physical energy and stimulation of red and the cheerfulness of yellow.

Orange is symbolic of joy, warmth, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, stimulation, maturity and experience. Orange also symbolizes the Sun of Mid-Summer; therefore the Zenith of power and the acme of experience.

Orange represents the state of optimal ripeness. This is a brief time when the fruit of any plant will never be more ripe and will enter a state of decline if it is not harvested right away. The pumpkin is a great symbol for orange because of it’s color at maturity and because it is one of the last fruits harvested in the fall.

You may be surprised to learn that Orange is also considered the color of business. Whenever I see the color orange in visions sent to me by spirit guides for my clients I know that they are speaking to me about business or corporations.

Orange is a very useful color when it is used as an accent during social gatherings. It stimulates conversation in this setting.

My next post will discuss the color yellow.

 © 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano. The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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