Spiritual Counseling


spiritual counseling

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counseling a lot of clients over the years have said that a “good ” Psychic reading is more helpful most of the time because I see the past, present and future (what’s been happening in their lives before they even speak).
I always start my spiritual counseling with a psychic reading first. I immediately begin our session based on what my Guides show me. A client gets to hear first what the spirit guides have to say, then I see what’s going on now and then I see the future of a particular issue or person.

Cheri has been doing Psychic Spiritual Counseling for over 40 years, she is also a spiritual strategist, it works for personal and business. I don’t ask questions, I tell you what my spirit guides are saying. The only time any questions are asked is when my spirit guides show me a name or issue (legal, relationship, health problem etc.) and She needs confirmation. Then Cheri knows She’s on target with helping be a great spiritual counselor.
Spiritual counseling is not meant to control or tell a person how to run their life, but to spiritually guide them as to the right path they can take. Usually what the spirit guides do, is give advice and help me be do spiritual counseling session. You can stay where you’re at in a situation and do nothing (not usually a great idea) or you can turn to go right or left.

She has been told that her method of psychic spiritual counseling is not only helpful but accurate.
If she feel’s that a person needs to see professional therapist or a psychotherapist etc. She will usually advise it.
She  is not a therapist but her psychic spiritual counseling sessions guide a certain direct for my clients situation to show the best course they can take. There are never any guarantees in any kind of guidance. It’s how you handle any and all situations yourself. It’s your life and in the end, your decision.
If you’d like life coaching or spiritual counseling you can contact me at cherimancuso@earthlink.net for a private consultation.
Pay Pal is accepted through this website. Go to the bottom of the page. Cheri does not use tarot cards. She is a Visionary and a Shaman.

Private sessions (phone or in person):

These sessions are dealing with your specific issues in this lifetime and manifesting what you do want out of life. My sessions are strictly geared toward you & who you are now and who you want to be in the coming future. We explore and manifest your goals. If you don’t have any idea of what you want in life, we’ll find out through my Guides directing us. These sessions are a ” mirror “of who you have been, who you are now and who you want to be in the future. Your Guides and mine get together in these sessions and map out the ” rest of your life”

The whole goal of the sessions is to get the student to see where they’ve been in life, where they are now and where they’re going. It’s a weekly session where we tune into the Guides each week seeing if any new developments with yourself, work, love, health, family etc have changed or any problems that arise can be resolved. My Guides always tune into what’s going on at the time we meet either in person or phone.

We also develop your own psychic ability.

We discover who your Spirit Guides are and how to connect with them.

We interpret your Astrology and Numerology charts that reveals your destiny and karma in this life for you and with your loved ones.

We interpret your dreams and teach you how to interpret them yourself.

We cover a lot of metaphysical and spiritual material.

SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASS – How to manifest a good relationship in your life and get the person you want to be happy and fulfilled, with spiritual counseling.


SPIRIT GUIDES – what they are and how you connect with them through spiritual counseling.

KARMA – its connection to you in this lifetime. Why you’re attracting the wrong people in your life and how to change your energy.

DREAMS – How to interpret your dreams and what they mean using spiritual counseling. How to remember your dreams.


PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT – How to receive and interpret what you see and feel.

NUMEROLOGY – Understanding of numbers and their meaning. How your specific numbers help to tell your future and your destiny and karmic connection to loved ones and your family and pets.

HEALING ENERGY – how to disconnect from negative energy around you and to manifest wealth & power.

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, MANISFESTATION, MEDITATION – How to actually see what you want in life and the key to actually getting it.

SYMBOLOGY – The understanding of Symbols as you see them in dreams & visions.

VISION INTERPRETATION- Interpreting  visions seen during meditation.

CHANNELING and AURAS – How to learn channeling for healing for yourself and others.

MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC and HEALING – Understanding how to heal yourself and diagnosis illness in yourself and other people and animals.

ADVANCED MEDITATION and MANIFESTATION – Creating what you want out of Life and How to manifest.

UNDERSTANDING DESTINY and KARMA ­– Learning why you are here and if you’re on the right path. What is your destiny and why do we go through the hard times in life?


  1. What do I want to do for the rest of my life?
  2. How to keep connecting with your family.
  3. How to keep the romance in your relationship or how to attract the right person in your life.

Your Choice by Length of Reading Time:

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