The Symbolic Meaning of the Color Black

The color black is the complete opposite of the color white and it t is every bit as powerful. Black and white are perfect examples of the Principle of Duality. For a color to be created from the reflection of all color there must be a color created from the absorption of all color. That color is black, the complete opposite of the color white. Black is created by mixing all of the primary colors together. This forms a muddy, brownish-black color.

The power of black rests primarily in its ability to absorb. This power is best exemplified by black holes that can found in our solar system and beyond. A black hole is a mathematically defined region of spacetime that exhibits such a strong gravitational pull that no particle or electromagnetic radiation can escape from it. Black holes  form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. Once something reaches the event horizon of a black hole it cannot resist its powerful gravitational pull. We can only assume that objects that are pulled into the vortex of a black hole are destroyed. That is what black does. It can be a very a destructive color.

Black is a universal color. It is considered to be a negative color in all cultures. It symbolizes negative, evil, death, the still of night and the deepest recesses of the mind. Black does not always have negative symbolic meanings, however. Black can also symbolize intensified spiritual energy, communion with ancestral spirits, antiquity, spiritual maturity, and spiritual potency.

When black clothing is worn it signals power and formality. This the primary reason that black is worn at formal events. It is a sober, no-nonsense color that positions those who wear it as being serious and powerful.

In rituals black can be used to stop psychic attacks. A black object can be empowered in a ritual ceremony to absorb negative energy. When it is placed in the area where negative energy is present it absorbs and deflects the energy away from the occupants of the room. At a prescribed time the black object is discarded, taking the negative energy it absorbed with it.

When I see black in a psychic vision during a psychic reading for my clients I usually know that something is negative. If I see a person in black I know that person is to be avoided because they are negative and up to no good. When I see the color black over other colors I know that someone or something is negative but there will be a change that is determined by the other color or colors that rest beneath it. For example, if I see black over green, I know that the person or situation will “heal” and change from negative to positive.

We’re getting closer to end of the list of symbolic colors. There are 3 colors left. Don’t miss them!

© 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano. The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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