The Symbolic Meaning of the Color White

The color white is one of the two most powerful of  colors. This is due to the fact that white is an achromatic color that reflects all visible light of the spectrum. White is the result of the absence of color. It is powerful because it resists corruption by reflecting everything away from itself. This is why white is symbolic of purity and incorruptibility. Because it is an active color white is a Masculine Solar Symbol. It is also the color of light as Primary Substance.

The color white affects the mind by aiding in mental clarity and acuity. It promotes feelings of fresh beginnings and renewal.

White is symbolic of perfection, virginity, innocence, honesty, light, goodness, heaven, brilliance, illumination, understanding, faith, beginnings, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, and perfection.

The second most important symbolic meaning for white is truth. Like the color white, truth is incorruptible. Nothing we can do or say can change it. As Winston Churchill once said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

In rituals white is used for cleansing, clearing and encouraging the purification of thoughts and actions. It is used to protect the practitioner from any negative energy that may be unknowingly attracted during the ritual. This is accomplished by burning a white candle or meditating before the ritual begins and wrapping oneself in white light. In order to activate the protective quality of white light the practitioner must clearly state the intention of its use for that specific purpose.

Whenever I conduct a guided meditation for a client I always guide them through a ritual that will protect them from negative energy during the meditation. I guide them to wrap themselves in white light from head to toe while stating that this will protect them during the meditation. I affirm that nothing can penetrate the white light. The wrapping of white light also cleanses my client of negative energy.

When I see white in a psychic vision I know that it stands for truthfulness, purity and spirituality. If I see a person as all white in a psychic vision then I know that the person is someone whom my client can trust.  White is always a positive color when I see it for my clients in psychic visions.

Be looking for my next post on Color Symbology. I will be discussing another color that is just as powerful as white.

 © 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano. The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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