All About Dreaming and Dream Interpretation

Now that you have the basics of the symbology of numbers and colors we can get into some practical application of those symbols and more. There is no better place to start doing just that than in dream interpretation.

Dreams are very important. They offer us a window into our unconscious mind and provide an opportunity for our Spirit Guides to communicate with us. I receive many psychic visions in the form of dreams at night when I sleep. Whenever I am trying to find a missing person or pet I place their picture under my pillow before I go to sleep. I do this because I know that my Spirit Guides will know that I am looking for information as to their whereabouts. This works because the photo has some of the missing person or pet’s vibration in it. This lets my guides know who or what I am trying to locate.

Dreams serve two important functions. They are either self-communicative or they are messages from Spirit Guides. When it comes to interpreting the messages from Spirit Guides you need to break down the symbols that they are sending to you. Here, everything is symbolic. Colors, numbers, people, animals, plants and objects become symbols that convey an important message from your Spirit Guides. Many times things and events don’t make sense. For example, you might dream that your father is dancing in a pink tutu which is something he would never do.

I believe that symbols are sent from Spirit Guides and function like shorthand. For some reason that is unknown to me, Spirit needs to be be frugal with the energy required to send us messages. Symbols are a great way to do that because one symbol can communicate a lot to us. My guides communicate with me by sending me images that appear rapidly on a screen that resembles a television screen.

When our sub-conscious is trying to communicate with our conscious mind the dream plays out like a movie. Here we try to face or fix our fears or perhaps our self-doubts and more. Usually, we feel some very strong emotions when we communicate with ourselves in a dream.

Our personal symbology becomes the decoder of self-communicative dreams. Your life experience has built a catalog of symbols for you. As a result, you are the only one who has the final say in the interpretation of a self-communicative dream

With practice you can easily distinguish the difference between these two types of dreams. My partner, John Scarano, and I teach Dream Interpretation in our Psychic Development course. We teach our clients how to interpret symbols and how to tell the two different types of dreams apart from one another.

In my next post I will discuss the Dream State and other altered states of consciousness.

© 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano. The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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