Making Use of Alpha Level 2

The Alpha 2 level can be used for several different things.  It is most often used for light meditation, Astral Travel and Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). The best way to achieve this state is by playing repeated or “looped” sounds while you meditate.

I use drum tracks to help my clients achieve this state when I guide them through meditations. My favorite CD for this is Sacred Earth Drums  by David and Steve Gordon. It is available in several different formats on If you are meditating by yourself, the effect of the drumbeats are enhanced if you use headphones or ear buds.

There are other sounds that can help to induce the Alpha 2 state as well. They can be harder to come by, though. They are known as Binaural Tones or Binaural Beats. A Binaural Tone is created by playing two different tones simultaneously. The tones are played separately in stereo channels and you will definitely need to use headphones or earbuds  for them to be effective.

The Binaural Tones are slightly different from one another. To be effective in inducing the Alpha 2 and other Alpha states they must be below 1000 hertz and both of the tones should be no more  than 10 Hertz apart. If the tones are above 1000 hertz or more than 10 hertz apart the tones are not effective.

There are many CD’s available that use Binaural Tones coupled with subliminal messages. They are used for subconscious programming to produce positive life-changing results. However, for our purposes here, I prefer that you use the tones without subliminal messaging if you want to perform Astral Travel or use your ESP.

There is an app for your Iphone that creates Binaural Tones for you. Here is a link for it: myNoise
By Stephane Pigeon

The technique for using Binaural Tones to induce altered states of consciousness is very simple. You start the Binaural Tones or drum beats and lay down to meditate with your headphones on. Close your eyes, relax your mind and try to keep it as clear as you possibly can. Focus on the beats and let your mind go wherever it wants to take itself. Everyone has different experiences with this technique so don’t be surprised at what occurs during this session. Just go with the flow in your first attempts to achieve the Alpha 2 level. Later, when you are more experienced, you should be able to exert some control over the experience.

Be sure to record the results of your session for future reference. This is especially important if you have received any psychic visions while in the Alpha 2 level.

I will discuss uses for Alpha Level 3 in my next post.


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