The Psychic and Meditative Power of Water

The psychic and meditative power of water has been utilized in every culture around the world for centuries. Water cleanses, refreshes and restores all life. Man has always been drawn to water especially in the form of streams, rivers, lakes, natural artesian fountains and majestic waterfalls.

Water is a carrier. It flows. It moves along the line of least resistance. Since our bodies are made up of approximately 82% water and the moon controls the tides, it also controls our bodies, emotionally.  Water affects emotionally, as well, and it is healing for us to be near it. When we immerse ourselves in large bodies of water from a bathtub all the way up to the ocean, we re-purify ourselves emotionally and physically. And don’t forget that we develop in water before we are born into the air-world. I believe that is why water is primal for us.

Try to place a water fountain indoors, as well as outdoors, to experience the relaxing and meditative power of water. Water fountains create a peaceful, harmonious indoor and outdoor environment. Some of the beneficial properties of Indoor and Outdoor Fountains are as:

  • a natural humidifier
  • a meditation tool
  • a sleep aid
  • a stress reducer
  • an air cleanser

Every time I am in the shower, my psychic ability is stimulated and I receive stronger images from Spirit.

Meditative drum sequences, new age music and binaural alpha tones enhance and deepen the alpha effect of the sound of burbling water during meditation. I always play those kinds of CD’s when I guide my clients through meditation at my home in California. I’m sure that you will be pleased with the added effect of water sounds to your meditations.

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