Making Use of the Alpha Levels

Before I go into Dream Interpretation I thought it was more important to talk about making use of the 4 Alpha levels. In this post I will discuss a good use for the Alpha 1 level. The Alpha 1 level can be difficult to achieve and hold at will, but it can be mastered with practice.

The best time to begin learning to use the power of the Alpha 1 level is when you find yourself faced with a problem that has been difficult for you to solve. Sit down in a chair, close your eyes and immerse your mind in the details of your problem. This should be easy considering the amount of thought that you have already given to it.

Next, try to visualize your problem in your mind’s eye on a large television screen and then begin to see the solutions on the screen that you have come up with so far even though they may have failed to solve your problem. This helps you to double-check your prior solutions and to immerse yourself in the problem solving process. When you have done that without reaching a viable solution, concentrate on visualizing other possible solutions from beginning to end on your television screen. At some point, you will not have to exercise any control over this part of the process. It will take on a life of its own.

All of this may occur at an amazing speed if you are a natural at maintaining the Alpha 1 level. Everyone else can achieve the same results by practicing this method over and over again until you become very proficient at it. I believe that we all have the ability to use the altered states of consciousness at will. Your belief that you can achieve and hold the Alpha 1 level opens the way for you to master it and to use it to better your life.

When you believe that you have solved the problem, return to the Beta State by opening your eyes. Have pen and paper at hand when you practice this exercise so that you can immediately record it on paper. Another great way to record your solution is to have a digital recorder on hand and record your solution verbally onto it. When you get good at using the Alpha 1 level you will be amazed at the information that you receive in such a short time.

After a while you will no longer need to sit and relax to enter the Alpha 1 level. You can do it standing up in the office, at school while taking an exam and even while you’re participating in a sport. Athletes call this “Being in the Zone”. The only difference there is that you do it with your eyes open. The Alpha 1 level is all about focus on a desired solution by blocking out unneeded sensory input. This unleashes the hidden power in our brain.

I will discuss a use for the Alpha 2 level in my next post.


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