The Theta State

The purpose of the Theta State is unclear to us at this time. Some scientists believe that it originates in the hippocampus which is deeply embedded in our brains. Other scientists believe that theta waves originate in the cortex which is an outer layer of neural tissue in brain. We do know that the mysterious Theta state is where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep. Therefore, it must be a bridge state between the Alpha and Delta states.

Scientists theorize that the Theta State plays a role in learning and short term memory. Perhaps then, the purpose of the Theta State is to remember what has been dreamed by placing it into short term memory. That would explain why many of us forget our dreams so quickly. Dreams may not be intended to be stored as long term memory. That is why I always stress that the best time to record your dreams is immediately after awakening in the morning.

In metaphysical circles the Theta State is believed to be the state where lucid dreaming occurs. A lot of work is being done in this field today. A lucid dream is like dreaming on steroids. You are dreaming but you are in complete control of the dream. Your conscious thoughts are guiding and creating it. The hope is that we can heal psychological wounds in this state by applying our own form of psychotherapy.

Researchers believe that at some point during the time we spend in the Theta State we begin to transition to another state. They call it the Gamma State because they believe that the brain is emitting gamma waves when it is in that state of consciousness. Tests on meditating Buddhist monks that were performed for several decades indicate the presence of gamma waves emitting from their brains as they enter and hold the Theta State. The monks enter this state as they believe that it is state where we can communicate with our creator.

The Theta State can be entered through deep relaxation techniques that result in achieving deep meditation. Unless you have an inborn talent for it,  achieving and maintaining the Theta State requires many hours of meditation.

I believe that I am in the Theta State when I “tune in” to get information at night from my guides to help solve missing person, missing pet or homicide cases. I sleep with a picture of the person or animal under my pillow so that my guides will know what information I need and for whom. It is the best time for me to communicate with Spirit.

When we drop through the Theta State we move into the last state in my discussion. The Delta State will be the topic of my next post.

© 2015 Cheri Mancuso and John Scarano. The contents of this post may be used only by express permission of the authors.

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