Happy New Year! The World is Now Vibrating Around the Number 9!

The year 2016 calculates out to a 9 (2+0+1+6 = 9). Its appearance indicates that all of us in the world are coming to the end of a cycle. This current cycle began in 2008 which is a 1 (2+0+0+8 = 10[1+0 = 1]). 2008 marked the beginning of a very bad economy that has been very hard to turn around. Many people found themselves unemployed for a long period of time. Many of those people were forced to re-invent themselves in order to survive financially. That is what the 9 and the 1 bring to us: endings that start new beginnings.

The 9 in the year 2016 brings with it the hope that we will finally see the end of the economic struggles that have affected everyone around the world since 2008. And it brings hope that we will see an end to terrorism around the world. It may also bring some notable deaths in 2016 as it is possible for the 9 to create this type of ending, too.

The effect of the 9 on each of us here on Earth began at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. It’s power and its affect is now on the rise. It will reach its apex on July, 2, 2016. After that date the effect of the 9 will slowly wane. Its strongest affect will occur between March 31, 2016 and September 30th, 2016. Be on the lookout for inevitable, powerful change in that period of time. And remember, that change can be either positive or negative. (See my blog on defining the number 9 for an in-depth interpretation of the 9.)

So what effect will the 9 have on us? The 9 is the most powerful of the simple numbers 1 – 9. The most important effect of the 9 is that it creates new beginnings in the number 1 by creating the end of what came before it. So expect to see some of that in your life this year. And pay particular attention to those things that come to an end all year long. And be warned, if you resist inevitable change this year you will pay a big price for it.

The lesson of the 9 is learning to accept the end when it comes. If you fight the inevitable end in 2016 it will have a negative effect on you  and that effect can grow completely out of proportion. The lesson here is giving in and having faith that the change that may be forced on you is necessary. It will bring something new to you if you will just get out of its way.

We should focus on ending things this year that have gone on for too long. For example: a contentious divorce, a lengthy lawsuit, a bad relationship, et cetera. You get the idea. If something is lingering in your life bring it to a definite close this year. Do this knowing that you will be ready for the 1 that follows the 9 in 2017. If you allow unfinished business to continue on into 2017 you will not benefit fully from the positive effect of the 1.

If death visits your inner circle in 2016 don’t allow it to lock you into a lengthy grieving period. Try to look back into your past experiences with the person who has passed and celebrate their lives in that way. The next year in this case will be about adjusting to life without the presence of the person who has passed.

Above all, the 9 is not to be feared. It does, however, need to be respected.



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